Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein-Protein Interaction Binding Sites Database








  About us






























































































       BindingR is a database for Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein-protein interaction binding sites at an aggregate aspect combining domain-domain, domain-motif, and motif-motif levels. It provides users with a web-based interface for fast and convenient access to all potential binding sites of a given interacting protein pair at the three levels.

  Geting started using BindingR  

       ? The instruction of input IDs or accession numbers

                Uniprot accession number: e.g., P34111

                SGD  accession number: e.g., S000000001

                Pfam accession number: e.g., PF00176

                Prosite accession number: e.g., PS00001

       ?  Query binding sites among proteins 

        Browsing inter-member interactions and the corresponding binding sites by entering a list of proteins: we provide users to extract the interactions of alist of interest proteins. Users can browse the inter-member interactions and the corresponding binding sites at three levels of motif-motif, motif-domain and domain-domain by inputting a list of SGD, Uniprot accession number and choosing an interaction dataset.

        operation flow:


       ?  Query binding sites for a given protein

       Searching by protein identification code:given a SGD, Uniprot accession number and chosen an interaction dataset, a  group of interactors of the query protein and corresponding binding sites at three levels of motif-motif, motif-domain and domain-domain is returned.

     operation flow:


     ?  Binding sites search

      Searching by two domain(, two motifs, or one domain and one motif) accession numbers: this searchfacilitates  to retrieve the q-value of the corresponding domain or motif by entering their accession numbers. At the same time, if the q-value is less than 0.01, user can get the statistic information occurring in three interaction datasets.

     operation flow:

    ?  Search for a single domain or motif

      Searching by one domain or motif accession number:by entering a domain or motif number, users can attain the potential interaction partners.

     operation flow:


Laboratory of Computational Molecular Biology. Beijing Normal University.