Current Resources

Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus cv. 9930

  • File: dom_cucumber_V2.fasta V2 genome sequence.
  • File: dom_cucumber_V2.gff3 V2 genome annotation, containing features: mRNA, exon, CDS.
  • File: dom_cuas.gff3 Genome annotation with alternative splicing, containing features: mRNA, exon, CDS.
  • File: dom_cuas_gene.fasta Gene sequences.
  • File: dom_cuas_transcript.fasta Transcript sequences.
  • File: dom_cuas_cds.fasta CDS sequences.
  • File: dom_cuas_isoform.fasta Amino acid sequence with the exact ORF.
  • File: dom_CuAS2UniProt.txt ID mapping to UniProt.
  • File: dom_gene_family.txt gene families, including transcription factors,transcription regulators and protein kinases.the splicing related genes including small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, splicing factors, splicing regulation, novel splicesome proteins and possible splicing related proteins.
    •   AS_events
    • File: dom_expression_value.txt Dynamic of transcripts expression among multiple tissues is measured by TPM. As part of this, “0” means TPM of the transcript in this tissue is lower than 1.
    • File: dom_AS_events.txt AS events, including alternative splicing type, different splicing coordination, PSI average, PSI range.
    • File: dom_PSI_value.txt Inclusion pattern of AS events across tissues. As part of this, “-1” represents no splicing events in this tissue.
    • File: dom_gene_ontology.txt Isoform functions which were predicted at splice isoform level by Blast2GO, including identifier, aspect and GO name.
    • File: dom_pathway.txt Isoform pathways mapping to KEGG by KAAS, including identifier, pathway name.

Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii PI 183967
