Date: 01/10/2014 Species: Rhizophagus irregularis Version: 1.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File/Directory Description 1) Rir_CDSs.fasta All CDS sequences 2) Rir_longest_CDSs.fasta The longest sequence for each protein-coding gene 3) Rir_proteins.fasta All protein sequences 4) Rir_genome.gff3 All protein-coding gene models in the GFF3 format 5) Rir_Repbase_repeats.gff3 All repeats identified based on Repbase 6) Rir_ncRNAs.gff3 All non-coding genes 7) Assemblies The DNA sequences of the seven assemblies, including reference, DNA1, DNA2, and four single nuclei. 8) Rir_functional_annotation_ahrd.txt All protein-coding genes' functional annotations reported by AHRD.